Thursday, August 27, 2009

honeymoon's over

showers. cold shower after a run, warm shower after a cold day's sail, there's always a sense of comfort and relief standing in the shower. slowly you collect and review your thoughts. and somehow engulfed by water all the shit that happened in the last few hours overwhelms you.

this laser worlds was one of the toughest things i've ever done. tougher than getting your head around philosophical questions, tougher than vo2 max tests, tougher than staying awake through a lecture (ok maybe not that, that's real tough), but then my life hasn't really been too tough.

brett said wow, fog again eh, and reminded me of a special radiohead song called fog (again). heh.

There's a little child
Runnin' 'round this house
And he never leaves
He will never leave

i'm longing to get home and sink my fingers into the fretboard and drift into a minor-induced heaven. please may the journey home be peaceful.

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