i meant to speak about this sooner, but been a bit worn out from being my sporty, competitive self. in the last week i've played table tennis, lawn bowling, cricket, volleyball, soccer, gone kayaking, running and cycling, and even a little bit of frisbee. everything but sailing it would seem.
but today is a big day. been thinking about this day for a long time. for the last two years i've been venturing out and actively finding things to do, to fill my time. i found new ways to distract myself. two years of zero studying... do i still have it in me to sit in a lecture theatre, listen, take notes, understand what's going on, not fall asleep - in short, learn? is there still that classically chinese singaporean mugger hiding somewhere inside me.
so i've just returned to my college from my first 2 lectures, on algebra and calculus respectively. confidence booster for me... i followed pretty easily, the concepts came back to memory... somehow maths is just comforting to me. complex, imaginary numbers, absolute values... i've been away for a while, but it wasn't long before i was right at home.
so the next concern is whether i am in the right course - whether i need this to refresh my memory or whether i could perhaps proceed to the next level or something. do i need this, um, revision?
chemistry lecture at 1pm.
today is acs founder's day.
in days of yore, from western shores, oldham dauntless hero came...